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Captain Marz's Logs

Captain Marz's Logs



Before you listen to these audio logs, we ask that you watch this important message from our head archivist. Bill Wrycker, a researcher and sound engineer for NAISA, who helped reconstruct 3 of the 6 audio logs found. He, along with his coworker Bella Detwiler, uncovered the mystery of the lost AVIUS1.  

We find it best to listen with headphones, and a PDF is linked if you wish to read along. 


Staring out the small porthole, Marz is not frightened by the asteroid belt.

She is not afraid of the vastness of the void, or the twinkling stars in the distance. 

Oh, no.

She is afraid of the face reflected back at her, and the brush fire of humanity that she is leading across the universe.

© 3019 by A Lost Traveler

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